Why I Want Partnerships with Art Galleries Evita Tezeno

“I had this dream that an angel came to my door and gave me a blueprint of another style.”

“This dream was right on target.”

“[After Denzel Washington bought 8 pieces in 2019] I was able to get another studio and I have never worked for anyone again.”

“The gallery now has me working larger. I love working larger. I love it.”

“I consider myself a visual storyteller.”

“[My life coach] has gotten me to dream bigger than I ever thought that I could dream.”

“I want more museum collections and I want my work also to be known, not only nationally or regionally, but internationally…. So we are reaching toward the sky or the heavens.”

“The art career that you dream of or you envision does not come easy. You have to struggle. You have to go through necessary pains to get to where you want to be.”

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