What It Means to Be Fulfilled as an Artist (ep. 200)

I think we only want more when we aim for the wrong targets—things that take up time in our days and space in our lives but leave us empty. We think we need more to top us off, but we aren’t naming the true goal. This is what I want to talk about in this 200th episode of The Art Biz.

It’s a significant milestone for this show that I insist on doing my way. I try to publish one episode a week these days, but sometimes I might skip a week. Or even two—because my happiness is paramount.

Whether this is the first episode you hear or you have been a subscriber since the get-go, I appreciate your listening and telling others about The Art Biz. This connection makes me happy, even if it’s over the digital airwaves.

It’s why I started my entire business back in 2002. I sold many of my belongings, packed up a U-Haul truck with my 2 cats, and moved away from an unhappy place in my life—giving up my entire career in art museums—because, as I told my mom at the time, Life is too short to be this unhappy.

Some people move for love or family. Others for more meaningful work.

I moved for a location, Colorado, that I knew would instantly make me happier and it hasn’t disappointed. I won’t give you the longer story about how Art Biz Success came to be, but it was only possible because I insisted that being happy was more important than having a steady job I liked in a location that made me miserable.

To mark this milestone in the podcast, I want to share something huge that I recently realized.

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