Soul Skate 2014 – Come For The Ride

So here I am, heavy on the BROXE in the heart of the Motor City: Detroit. Right as I made my way into town, I was immediately abducted by the insane amounts of realness surrounding this beautiful environment and had this place feeling like home after just a couple of days. It wasn’t hard for me at all. Beautiful people everywhere, great food, music and something you’ll hear a lot out of me in the next little while, RESPECT. My visions of this city were consumed by stereotypes like poverty, abandoned buildings and griminess but as I took one small step in this paradise, I ended up taking a giant leap into the BROXE and saw the city’s true colors. Yes, the city went bankrupt. Yes, many people have left town due to lack of work but at the end of the day, there is a reason why people are sticking around…

When times are hard, you tend to see a steady increase in creativity and positivity throughout the decline. People are motivated, hungry and thirsty but most of all, they strive for a better future. Even though your life might be surrounded by negativity, there is always room to make a change. At the end of the day, everyone has to let loose at one point or another and leave their problems at home… Get out there to have some fun. The perfect example is Soul Skate. A yearly event held in the D that involves local talent and a strong community of roller skaters from all over the country that come together on Memorial Day weekend to kick it with their fellow rink rockers. An evening that will forever leave me in awe… Listen to this while you scroll.


Northland roller rink on 8 Mile road is a truly magnificent establishment. They’ve been around since the ’50s and show absolutely no signs of going anywhere anytime soon. This is church.


Some legendary DJs such as Moodyman and Louie Vega were playing disco and soul all night at this jam. It attracts a lot of people that most likely wouldn’t have known about this party otherwise. Many thanks for shedding some light and waking me up!


As I first set foot into the building and took a good look at the rink, my jaw dropped as the amount of swag that I witnessed surged towards my brain. I began entering a state of euphoria and opted to not rent skates so that I could walk around, meet some of the skaters and take some pictures. I was Broxing, so the last thing I wanted to be was the drunken idiot falling all over the place and potentially disturbing all the pros out there doing their thing. I’ma practice though, catch you at the rink next time DDV style!


I won’t lie, I bounced from the party as soon as I got there to go get some more alcohol because there wasn’t any for sale inside. I’m a smooth operator when I’m broxing, so I wanted to approach people without any potential shyness. I hit up the liquor store a couple of blocks away, and proceeded to chug two 4Loko’s in 20 minutes on 8 Mile. Do the math… BROXE. As I walked back in, the first thing I saw was this beautiful couple in matching attire. I complimented them and said hello. I was greeted with an amazing response and all the photo ops I could ever ask for. Maybe I didn’t need the influx of booze but that was hard to say no to at the time…


This culture is deep… Something I never witnessed before. All types of custom skates, clothing and personal flavor. I could get used to this. The wheels on the BROXE go ’round and ’round!


Harlem in the building! As I said, people came from all over for this event and I don’t blame them one bit, truly the best event I have ever witnessed. There, I said it! Shout-out to the great white shark shirt… Fish Talk, baby!


These skaters are good at what they do, for real. Skating backwards, 360s, slides, all that funky stuff. Damn son, I need some practice!


The event is truly a time capsule back to the ’70s with a modern twist. Ain’t no half-stepping!


WOOOOOO, I SEE YOU BABY! Them disco jams were heating up the rink heavy.



Looking like they’re straight out of Soul Train… I strongly respect this scene. I’ma be back without question. Hopefully, I get to meet my wife here.


All love right here, simply beautiful.


I said it once but I’ll say it again; unmeasurable amounts of swagger.


It’s not everyday two seven-foot dudes grab me by the shoulders and don’t end up kicking me out of a club, but there’s a first time for everything. They wanted their photo taken, and I was beyond pleased to take it for them. Shout-outs to the Ohio Striders.



Reppin’ TFB


Respect the realness!


You’ll always spot someone at a party hanging  around and waiting for the jam to end because they’re bored. They’re probably in the wrong place and for them, I strongly recommend a roller skating jam. That boogie gets a hold of you and brings you to another place, trust. You’ll be breaking it down on the floor in no time my G’s.


Baby Jim and his wife, tremendous performances! All these years they’ve been rockin’ and rollin’, you ain’t even know it!


This shirt says it all. The two tone green is extra proof.


Mad flavor, all goddamned night! Bury me under the roller rink!


George Benson said it best… Give me the night!


There she goes, skating by all by herself. No one can touch this. She is, of course, the Ebony Queen. Next time…


He was probably around to see the real thing go down back then, but he’s still with us now. From generation to generation, this culture will be around until the end of time.


Keshellia, you are truly a goddess. DDV graduate from the class of ’84



There was probably 1200 people in the building that night and I didn’t notice one of them drinking. Wether or not people were consuming, I saw nothing but smiles everywhere. The skating culture creates such a natural high for some people, that it just ain’t a necessity to have a great evening. To each their own.


Everyone was blessed by a surprise performance by the legendary group Whodini. The freaks come out at night!


A real roller skating love affair right here. They met at the rink, and I would love to attend their marriage at the rink, real talk.

No word of a lie, I had such a great time at this action packed night that when I got to my bed and lied down, I was so full of positive energy that I couldn’t even sleep. Matter of fact, I shed my first tear of joy! Wow, what a humbling experience. One which you will never know of until you go.  I’ma be back next year without a doubt don’t you worry now. I’ll even try making it out to other rinks in the US. Much love from Montreal!

Unfortunately, we don’t have any roller skating jams out here, but we are blessed with some phenomenal DJ’s that support the movement. Walla P and Dr. MaD bring you another edition of Voyage Funktastique, going down this Saturday night at Le Bleury Bar à Vinyle (2109 Bleury). Expect some real mothafuckin’ music and much boogie. See y’all there! Here is a link to their Soundcloud page where you can listen to some of their past shows.

SOURCE: MOOK-LIFE - Read entire story here.

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