This Is The Most Controversial Show In Edinburgh


“South Africa’s fearless theatre-maker Brett Bailey has made a career out of tackling the most difficult aspects of race. His new show” – titled Exhibit B – “features black people in cages, in reference to real 19th-century human zoos – and even some of the performers are uneasy about it ”

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SOURCE: ArtsJournal» THEATRE - Read entire story here.

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Now Philly’s Fringe Festival Has A Fringe Of Its Own

fringe fringe

Fringe/Fringe “was conceived by Joshua McLucas, 21, a Swarthmore College senior who thought the 18-year-old Fringe Festival, and even its little sister, the Neighborhood Fringe, were just too mainstream, too big, and too expensive for his fledgling [redacted] Theater Company.”

SOURCE: ArtsJournal - Read entire story here.

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Inside Theme Park Musical Theater

theme park theater

“Theme park shows have a reputation like cotton candy’s: They’re sweet and they go down easy, but they’re not much to write home about. Part of that comes from how much they stick to a formula. Run times rarely exceed 30 minutes, the faster to get people dried off or cooled down and back to the rides. … But streamlined doesn’t mean substandard. Though the shows’ content may be lighthearted, the talent is often Broadway caliber.”

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SOURCE: ArtsJournal» THEATRE - Read entire story here.

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Is This America’s Ideal Theater Company?

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“So often in my conversations with artistic directors I’m dismayed by their willingness to accept the status quo. If mindless musicals are what draws in the crowds, then mindless musical it will be … Box office becomes confused with artistic merit, making it easier to let fiscal expediency dictate taste.” But Charles McNulty has found one house that’s getting it right.

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SOURCE: ArtsJournal» THEATRE - Read entire story here.

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