‘If The Bolshoi Is Sick, It’s Because Russia Is Sick Too’

bolshoi filin

“The Bolshoi is not just a theatre: it’s a cultural brand that is key to Russia’s image of itself … and the Kremlin have been reluctant to leave its running to mere specialists. One of the theatre’s harassed-looking board members claims that 40{b29860ee6b7af5bf99d3058cca3182816eed414b47dab251265e93b8c00e69b1} of its artistic and managerial decisions have historically been controlled by politicians.”

SOURCE: DANCE – ArtsJournal - Read entire story here.

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Watch The Mariinsky Ballet Take Class

mariinsky class

“It is interesting to see any company in class, to glimpse behind the greasepaint and the glamour to see the sheer hard work and repetitive grind which makes onstage greatness possible. But it is particularly fascinating to watch the Mariinsky in action, partly because their dancers are so famous – but mainly because their style is so pure.” (includes video)

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SOURCE: ArtsJournal» DANCE - Read entire story here.

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Royal Ballet Of Flanders Fires Artistic Director

royal ballet flanders carreiro

“Although the ballet did not provide an explanation for letting her go, from the beginning, [Assis] Carreiro was a controversial choice for the role of artistic director. … Dancers wrote a letter to the organisation’s board late last year citing that 69{b29860ee6b7af5bf99d3058cca3182816eed414b47dab251265e93b8c00e69b1} of them had voted no confidence in the artistic director. Eventually, one-third of the company left.”

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SOURCE: ArtsJournal» DANCE - Read entire story here.

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