Rem Koolhaas blows the ceiling off the Venice Architecture Biennale

An exploded false ceiling and a lineup of lavatories become the stars as Koolhaas delves into the overlooked innards of today’s buildings and shows how architecture has become nothing more than cardboard

The best of the Biennale in pictures
Sandcastle towns in Israel to greenhouses shaped like snowflakes in Antarctica: the top 10 pavilions

A shiny tangle of pumps and pipes spills out above a suspended polystyrene ceiling in the central pavilion of the Venice Biennale, the metallic guts of air conditioning and sprinkler systems sliced open for all to see. Above this cross-section of a contemporary office ceiling, which hovers claustrophobically close to your head, soars a majestic dome, frescoed with heroic scenes of the evolution of art.

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SOURCE: Architecture and design blog | The Guardian – Read entire story here.
