Reason behind Alvin Ailey Dance show cancellation is still being looked into by BJCC

A show with the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre was cancelled Saturday night (February 17th) due to low temperatures in the concert hall at the Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex (BJCC). The announcement was made over the concert halls intercom after a nearly 40 minute intermission.

In a Facebook Post the dance company made this statement:

Unfortunately, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater’s performance on February 17 at Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex (BJCC) ended after the first act due to cold temperatures backstage at the Concert Hall. Despite trying everything possible to raise it, which generated delays, the minimum temperature required for the health and safety of the professional dancers could not be met.

All of us at Ailey are very sorry that the performance couldn’t be completed and want you to know that we share your disappointment. We look forward to returning to Birmingham and continuing our long tradition of performing in this great city.

All ticket holders will receive automatic refunds from the venue processed directly from the venue in the original form of payment within 8-10 business days. Please contact BJCC Guest Services team at if you have questions or concerns.

According to Tad Snider, the executive director with the BJCC, the American Guild of Artist Union that the dancers belong to has a temperature requirement of a 72 degree environment to keep the dancers safe from injuries.

The temperature of the BJCC that night ranged from 68 to 70 degrees. Snider says the exact reason for the low temperatures is still being looked into.

“Maintaining the temperatures in the building is something we’re used to so we’ve got some work to do understanding exactly what happened Saturday. The unique temperature conditions. The things we may need to do to supplement building systems,” said Snider, “We sincerely apologize and own what happened Saturday night. It should not have happened.”

Many people in attendance at the event had concerns about the lack of communication by the BJCC during Saturday’s cancellation.

Snider says policies are now being examined to allow for better communication to be made in situation such as this. Right now the policy says if a cancellation is made it is the responsibility of the show representatives to make an announcement.

“There was not communication with the audience about why the show was delayed, and the opening, and certainly when the determination was made to cancel the show,” said Snider, “That’s one thing we’re going to go back and look at and understand our policies about if communication is not clear by the show or show representative when we need to step in and do that.”

Refunds for the show will be given out by the BJCC.

  • Tickets purchased through Ticket Master will be refunded automatically. According to an email sent out by Ticket Master the refund should be received within 14-21 business days.
  • Tickets purchased through the box office will be processed manually. Snider says that process has already been started.
  • If a ticket was purchased through a third party a buyer need to go back to that point of purchase for a refund.

Please contact BJCC Guest Services team at if you have questions or concerns.

The BJCC will be hosting the Alabama Ballet Saturday February 23-25. The company will be performing Giselle.

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