“Noon Hour” by APHENOAH in Norderstedt, Germany

Mural Art Duo APHENOAH

“Noon Hour” by APHENOAH (Oliver Hollatz and Noah Kauertz) in Norderstedt, Germany, for Walls Of Vision.

APHENOAH about the mural: Together with Walls Of Vision, we have once again interpreted a painting. The original work is by the Hamburg painter PAUL KAYSER (1869-1942) and is titled “NOON HOUR IN THE HARBOR OF HAMBURG”, 1904. We have replaced the original skyline in the painting with a contemporary one to counteract the nostalgic character. Besides that, we have changed the arrangement of the figures without exchanging them. The new closeness between the two men can raise questions about current issues such as “new masculinity” or “LGBTQ+” without being too bold, or simply be seen as a close friendship. With this “small” change, we preserve all the elements present in the original work, and thus its visual aesthetic, and at the same time subtly bring in contemporary debates, giving them something everyday, already integrated, rather than provocatively dominating the image as a big debate.


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