JBbTC 187: Foreign Languages Press pt.3

ExploringTheSecrets_Cover_FLP.jpgHere’s my final entry in the Foreign Languages Press series (not that there aren’t plenty more books put out by FLP—thousands, actually). You can see the other posters HERE. I saved my favorite for last: Exploring the Secrets of Treating Deaf-Mutes. The cover is stunning, a stylized portrait of a young Red Guard puncturing himself in the back of the neck with an acupuncture needle. The concept behind the pamphlet is just as stunning: Chao Pu-yu, an acupuncturist with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, has discovered how to cure deafness through his earnest study of the works of Chairman Mao! I think this publication can speak for itself, so I’ve scanned the entire Publisher’s Note for you to be able to read, and included multiple page spreads. Read on, and learn how Chao Pu-yu stuck it to the imperialist doctors and “authorities.”






Bibliography for this series:
Pa Chin and Others, A Battle for Life (Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1959).

City Cousin and Other Stories (Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1973).

Exploring the Secrets of Treating Deaf-Mutes (Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1972).

The Golden Bridge: A Selection of Revolutionary Stories (Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1977).

Philosophy in No Mystery: Peasants Put Their Study to Work (Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1972).

The Seeds and Other Stories (Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1972).

Taching: Red Banner on China’s Industrial Front (Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1972).

The Unquenchable Spark/2nd Ed. (Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1964).

Hu Wan-Chun, Man of a Special Cut (Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1963).

Gao Yunlan, Annals of a Provincial Town (Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1980). Cover design unattributed; interior illustrations by Ah Lao.

Kao Yu-pao and others, My Hometown: Six Reportage Articles (Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1974).

SOURCE: Justseeds: Blog – Read entire story here.