Improve Your Art Website “About” Page

These essentials will help your website visitors get more out of their visit and come to know you better as an artist.



Keep your content customer focused.

Yes, your About page is about you—but it’s about your customer too. The intersection of what you share about your art and what they care about is where you will draw in the reader to want to learn more about you. What is the main appeal of your work? Why do customers love it? The answers to these questions can be a great way to connect.

Use your photo.

Website visitors want to know that you are for real, an artist who works hard in the studio to make amazing work. At the very least, use a headshot. A photograph of you working in the studio is an excellent choice. And, if you can place a video on your About page where you introduce yourself, your technique and your work in a couple of minutes, that’s even better!

Include your artist statement.

While much of the content on your About page may take a more conversational tone, a well-written artist statement is designed to tell the reader about the vision you have, the concept for your work and your inspiration. Learn more about developing your artist statement here.

Add testimonials.

Your existing collectors love your work. Ask some of them to share a few sentences on why they are happy with their purchase, your customer service, and more. Word of mouth is more powerful than any advertising, which makes these customer reviews so valuable. How do you approach customers about this, and produce the best possible testimonials on your site? Get the details in this article.

Tell your story.

People connect with your story, and the emotional impact that it has. Never underestimate the value of your experience and passion for what you do. Artist Sam Bernal explains it beautifully, saying “As much as people love a beautiful image, they love a good story even more.”  Your About page is the perfect place to share your story. Keep it short enough to read fairly quickly, and relate your story to your customer, then publish!

Link to other pages on your site.

Every page on your website can benefit all the other pages. Include “deep links” that help the site visitor navigate. You may want to link them to your portfolio page, your press page, a page for commission work, your blog or another place on your site. Lead them from your story to a place where they can learn more, or even make a purchase.

Make it easy to contact you.

This is an essential that many artists forget when they are writing their About page. Are you willing to take a phone call or get an email from someone interested in your art or handmade work? The answer is – yes! Make it easy for them to get in touch by listing your contact information prominently on this page. Or go one step further, and add a scheduling app to encourage them to book a video call with them. That places you in a perfect position to have a deep conversation about what they are looking for, and how your art may be a perfect fit for their space.



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