Imogen Poots: ‘I once asked a young woman if she had heard of Laura Marling. She replied: “I am Laura Marling”’ | Life and style

Born in London, Imogen Poots, 34, was cast in the film V for Vendetta when she was in her teens. In 2013, she played the daughter of porn baron Paul Raymond in The Look of Love and won best supporting actress at the British independent film awards. Her other films include 28 Weeks Later, Vivarium, Green Room, The Father and The Teacher. She stars as Rose Dugdale in Baltimore, which has just opened in cinemas. She lives between London and New York.

What is your greatest fear?

What was your most embarrassing moment?
I once asked a young woman if she had ever heard of the musician Laura Marling, insinuating I knew Laura Marling, to which she replied: “I am Laura Marling.”

Aside from a property, what’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?

Describe yourself in three words
Two sturdy teeth.

What would your superpower be?
Curing insomnia with the flick of a wrist.

What makes you unhappy?
Lukewarm coffee.

What do you most dislike about your appearance?
I’ve learned to roll with it.

If you could bring something extinct back to life, what would you choose?
Video rental.

Who would play you in the film of your life?
Barry Keoghan in a big blond wig.

What scares you about getting older?
I’m actually looking forward to getting older.

Who is your celebrity crush?
One of my favourite authors, Renata Adler. There is a black and white photograph of her with this long braid and it’s so hot.

Which book are you ashamed not to have read?
I’ve been lugging around Doris Lessing’s books, which I have yet to read.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?
A visual artist.

What is the worst thing anyone’s ever said to you?
People give me a hard time about my hats. Over Christmas, this drunk woman shouted something about me having a shit hat because I had a red beanie on. Last week at a party, someone gave me a hard time for wearing a cap. I just think about melting ice caps when this happens.

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What is your guiltiest pleasure?
Saying thank you very much with a curtsy when somebody tells me how wonderful I was in a play or a film because they’ve mistaken me for another actor.

What does love feel like?
Completely nuts.

Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
I do this thing where I say, “Have I told you this before?” before I’ve said what the thing is. I did this to my friend last weekend and she said, “Imogen, I don’t know what you are about to say.”

If you could edit your past, what would you change?
I would have been OK with feeling shy. In my teenage years, I thought being an actor meant that you had to be a little more performative.

When’s the last time you changed your mind about something significant?
I always thought I would be a terrible driver because I’m sort of a wafty person, but it turns out I am very good at staying in between the lines. I passed my test last year.

What keeps you awake at night?
All of it.

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