How to Share Art with Your Subscribers

by Carolyn Edlund

Do you send a monthly email newsletter to subscribers? Here’s how to share your work and create interest.



When you send email messages to your subscriber list, you shouldn’t be just making a sales pitch. Instead, focus on building a relationship with your followers, and communicate in a way to draw them in to learn more about you. Here’s how to share what you love to do while providing a fulfilling experience to subscribers.

Include a special feature just for your list

One incentive to subscribe is getting exclusive content. If you are having an open studio, why not invite subscribers to a special early preview to get first look at your work and enjoy refreshments? Or give free shipping on orders for an upcoming holiday, for subscribers only.

Describe your inspiration

Telling your story is a powerful way to attract fans and gain sales. Recall something that really inspired you this month, and show the results and your interpretation. Did you take a trip or notice the seasons changing? How did this new piece fit into or evolve from your current direction?

Take them inside the studio

Work in progress is always fascinating. Most people love the idea of being an artist, and they may have no idea how you create your art or handmade work. Include a collage of photos showing the steps to making a new piece of art. By sharing the complexity or time involved in your studio work, you build value in the eyes of your collectors.

Announce your newest collection

Ready to debut your new spring line of jewelry, or a painting series that you just created? Take a photo of a grouping, or use a teaser to link back to your art website for the whole collection. People love to see what’s new, and images are the best way to share.

Celebrate an achievement

Did you just win a prize, gain some press or finally get into that gallery you’ve been salivating over? Share the good news, with an attitude of gratitude. People who love your work want you to do well. Let them know!

Relate a collector story

This is a great way to help your subscribers imagine owning your work. Did you visit your client’s home to install a painting? Did a bride wear one of your special necklaces at her wedding? Tell the story, with accompanying photos.

Send an invitation

This could be a request to stop by your booth at at upcoming fair or festival. Or you might consider inviting your subscribers to connect with you on social media. (Don’t forget to follow them back!) Social media creates a passive stream of communication with your subscribers. As they see your art on Facebook, Instagram or other platform over and over, you become more memorable to them.

Go behind the Scenes

What is it like to set up for an art event? Or hang a gallery show? Was your work featured in a fashion show where you helped the models who were wearing your handmade clothing? Share that back story. A peek behind the scenes shares what it’s like to be in your business. The public doesn’t often hear how it all works. This type of story reaches people who will be fascinated by the whole process.



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