How to Have a Sale of Your Art and Feel Good About It

1. Bonus Add-ons

Buy 1 and get these bonuses …

This works great when you have digital products that can be downloaded, such as special reports, audio interviews, or a video lesson.

It could also work if you have reproductions or note cards that you could include with purchase of the original.

Buy 2 for the price of one …

Buy 2 for the price of 1 sounds like quite a bargain, but it has to be something that people want two of.

You must make the case that they can use or want 2 of something. If not, a two-fer isn’t a motivator.

2. Bonus for Early Action

For the first <e.g. 5, 10, 15> buyers …

This promotion encourages fast action and rewards those who take it.

I’ve noticed my favorite baseball team does this but with much bigger numbers. “The first 15,000 fans receive …” It never dawned on me before why they did this, but I’m pretty sure it’s so that people come to the stadium earlier and buy lots of food and beverages.

3. Free Shipping

Free shipping anywhere in the U.S. …

This seems to be a good incentive for many buyers, regardless of what you sell. Be clear on any parameters about where you will ship.

4. Free Frame

Free frame or pedestal included …

To make this cost-effective for you, you’d better buy in bulk. Specify whether or not assembly is required.

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