How to Feel Successful as an Artist

I really enjoyed reading this, Alyson.

A year and a half ago, a family member became quite ill and moved in with me. Helping this family member became my highest priority, and it took emotional and physical energy–and a great deal of time–away from painting.

This year, I began getting my mojo back. I entered my first juried exhibition, and then I applied to be a guest artist at a wonderful gallery in Laguna Beach, California. I’m scheduled for this, in the summer of 2024. I’m now focusing on that body of work and having the time of my life!

No grandchildren yet.

My definition of success would be this: representation in a local, high-end gallery. I would gladly pay their commission in return for shipping my work, collecting the taxes and reporting them, and warehousing my work, in addition to displaying my paintings in their gallery.

I’m not sure if any of your services would be appropriate right now for me? I’m mostly focused on creating the work, but as my guest artist show approaches, I think it will be good to have started an email newsletter, created a website and I’m not sure what else. (I have an Instagram account but no website yet. I want to complete more paintings before paying for the website.)

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