Data Visualisation: Beautiful Science

Exhibition at The
British Library
February – 26 May 2014
The Folio Society Gallery; admission free
Turning numbers into pictures that tell
important stories and reveal the meaning held within is an essential part of
what it means to be a scientist. Beautiful Science explores how our
understanding of ourselves and our planet has evolved alongside our ability to
represent, graph and map the mass data of the time.
The associated events for the exhibition are listed here
Unfortunately  this event….
Andy Kirk, founder of Visualising
will be holding his renowned Introduction to Data Visualisation
course at the British Library to coincide with Beautiful Science: Picturing
Data, Inspiring Insight.
…is sold out but fear not you can get
to see what Andy is about by looking at his website

Students who came to my Visual Literacy workshop
last term will already know about
the King of Data visualisation  Hans Rosling
Professor of Global Health, Karolinska Institutet. Edutainer
& co-founder of Gapminder Foundation, Stockholm,

as with everything and especially anything that is immensely visually attractive
-beware of being misled!! Here is a warning article about taking care to
question the veracity of infographics from
John Burn-Murdoch of the Guardian

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