Art Photo Collector, “Beneath the lenticular eye, the secrets of the…

“Beneath the lenticular eye, the secrets of the flower fall one by one.”–Colette 

Flowers have long been a motif for artistic exploration in photography. This is saying nothing new. Flora Photographica, however, under the knowledgeable and guiding hand of William A. Ewing, takes us on a fresh, sumptuous and leisurely stroll through the medium. 

Like a botanic garden of photography, this new book from Thames & Hudson opens various thematic pathways to amble along, introducing us to contemporary works from established masters and newer artists we might have missed along the way. The selection of images is lush and thoughtful. With over 200 images to traverse, page after page is an exploration of beauty and form.

While the essays that accompany this photobook offer added food-for-thought, Flora Photographica is delightfully straightforward: here lies an expertly curated and crafted tribute to flowers and contemporary photography. Perhaps that’s the secret after all…–Lane Nevares

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