A Painting Today: “Catch the Next Wave”



9 x 12″

oil on panel


My Mac died a couple of weeks ago.  I work on what they call a ‘vintage’ model.  I have to.  I run programs from days of yore – ones I built my website on, etc.  For about a week, I hunted down a ‘vintage’ replacement and turned it over to the experts and finally got my working studio back to normal.  Happy to report I’m no longer out of sorts.  

Meanwhile, I started this painting, working from a laptop screen.  It’s a slower process but better than nothing while I waited.  So, that’s where I’ve been lately.

When I stood in front of Ground Swell by Edward Hopper,  I stared for quite a while. What was that buoy doing there?  On an otherwise calm, beautiful day, surrounded by a sea of blues, there is this dark, ominous warning of sorts, alerting the people on the small catboat.  A sign of imminent danger?  Clouds signaling a storm is coming?  I looked for an explanation when I had time.  Hopper never offered one except – during the time he worked on Ground Swell in 1939, World War II broke out in Europe.  I think that explains it.

From the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC.

~ Stay healthy and safe and get your vaccination.

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