Pierre Huyghe: Liminal | Apollo Magazine

Though Pierre Huyghe experiments in a variety of mediums, the French artist is perhaps best known for installation, film and site-specific works that wrestle with the limits of reality. Huyghe is often driven by a fascination of what lies between a viewer and an object and how the form of an exhibition can affect what we see in unpredictable ways – and this show of the artist’s work in Venice is a case in point (17 March–24 November). Inviting viewers to experience a ‘non-human’ perspective, it includes a number of new works as well as works from the past decade. Find out more from the Punta della Dogana’s website.

Liminal (temporary title) (2024–ongoing), Pierre Huyghe. Courtesy the artist and Anna Lena Films, Paris; © Pierre Huyghe/SIAE 2023

Variants (2021–ongoing), Pierre Huyghe. Photo: Ola Rindal; courtesy the artist, Kistefos Museum and Hauser and Wirth, London; © Pierre Huyghe/SIAE 2023

Untitled (Human Mask) (2014), Pierre Huyghe. Pinault Collection; courtesy the artist, Hauser & Wirth, London and Anna Lena Films, Paris; © Pierre Huyghe/SIAE 2023

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