Presenting Yourself Professionally on Your Artist Website

“I once had a proposal arrive and it was handwritten in an orange marker. Unbelievable.”

“There is so much overlap [in the variety of work I do]. It all interrelates and feeds me creatively.”

“I think a lot of artists now more than ever think their Instagram feed is their website.”

“You control the narrative [on your website].”

“It’s so much about how you present yourself. People who you are approaching for any kind of opportunity need to know they’re working with someone they can work with. They want to work with someone professional.”

“[Website visitors] get to know the artist, they get to know the context for the work, and they get to know the techniques that the artists are using, which also all those things put together adds value and adds interest.”

“You have to get more bold in talking about your work and being really positive and excited about it because that’s how the person you’re talking to will get positive and excited about it.”

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