7 Essential Verbs for Artists to Embrace

Those are my 7 verbs for you to consider: Devote, Begin, Understand, Connect, Avoid, Investigate, and Finish.

They’re actions you’re already taking to some extent, but perhaps you’ll think about them a little more as you go throughout your days.

When you are feeling insecure, remember that you have devoted yourself to the life of an artist.

When you are procrastinating, begin with the smallest step.

When you are lost in the studio, understand and feel the presence of the legacies of artists who have come before you.

When you are lost in your business or feeling lonely, connect to other artists and people who get you.

When you aren’t feeling productive, consider what is getting in your way and take steps to avoid it.

When the work doesn’t feel right, investigate. Go deeper. 

When it’s time to move on to the next project, make sure you finish the current one.

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