Leaning Into Art to Battle Depression with David Sandum

Born and raised in Sweden, David Sandum was educated in the U.S. in the 1990s. After returning to Scandinavia with his young family and working in IT sales, he began to struggle with severe depression. During this difficult time he began to draw and paint, inspired by Edvard Munch’s philosophy that we should all write or paint our life story.

Since then, David pursued a career in art. He has participated in group exhibitions and solo gallery shows, completed public art commissions in Norway and Denmark, and undertaken study trips to New York City, Prague, and Amsterdam. He was accepted to work at the prestigious printmaking studio Estudi de Gravat Ignasi Aguirre Ruiz in Barcelona under master printer Ignacio.

David wrote a memoir about his challenges with mental illness: I’ll Run Till the Sun Goes Down: A Memoir about Depression and Discovering Art.

David lives with his wife and youngest son in Moss, Norway. 

Follow him on Instagram @david_sandum

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