Featured Artist Pauline Gough | Artsy Shark

Artist Pauline Gough presents a collection of whimsical paintings certain to bring a smile. Visit her website to view more of her work.


“Proteas & Pears” acrylic, 100cm x 90cm


I always wanted to be an artist, preferring to doodle over my schoolwork than actually do it. We didn’t have an art teacher when I went to high school, so I “majored” in Art at Teachers Training College.


whimsical landscape by painter Pauline Gough

“Marlborough Vineyard” acrylic, 100cm x 76cm


I tried to paint when my four children were small, on the farm, but that didn’t work too well. I had to wait until my kids started leaving home. My eldest sent me paints from London when I broke my foot in 2010.


Whimsical colorful painting of a vase of flowers

“Flower Fiesta” acrylic, 150cm x 100cm


My first painting was of my youngest daughter cuddling a kitten. I placed it in our local cafe where it sold immediately. This encouraged me hugely, and that cafe has sold many of my paintings since then.


Painting of a marina by artist Pauline Gough

“Sandspit Marina” acrylic, 90cm x 76cm


I joined a committee to start an art association in our town, painted at our dining room table, and took a variety of art classes and workshops.


cow portrait by artist Pauline Gough

“No. 75” acrylic, 76cm x 91cm


For some crazy reason, I started out painting portraits which, in my view, is the hardest subject of all. This led to painting cow portraits which proved to be popular and more enjoyable. Landscapes, cityscapes and seascape subjects were then explored. Large florals and still life are a continuing theme.


Painting of a bunch of flowers by Pauline Gough

“Glass Vase” acrylic, 121cm x 91cm


Although I’ve flirted with a variety of media—oils, mixed media, pastels and ink—acrylic is what I’ve settled on for now. It suits my tendency to paint alla prima and to have the freedom to add to, paint over, mix on the canvas and use some big brushes.


whimsical painting of a summer bouquet by Pauline Gough

“Summer Offerings” acrylic, 60cm x 76cm


I like the immediacy of acrylic. It suits the speed at which I paint. I never start a painting with a fixed idea of the result; each artwork is a unique experiment. My best work is often painted quickly.


Whimsical colorful painting of a paddock by Pauline Gough

“The Back Paddock” acrylic, 100cm x 100cm


When I’m painting intuitively and in the moment, magic happens. It’s important to me that my work is fresh and not overdone. I don’t get attached to the painting. I love the process and excitement of not knowing how it will end up. That’s the joy.


Pauline Gough invites you to follow on Instagram.


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