Featured Artist Carol Morrison | Artsy Shark

Explore the world of printmaker Carol Morrison, whose work is inspired by the complex urban environment. See more of her portfolio on her website.


“Happened Overnight” Edition Variable I/IV, Image 20 3/4″ x 28 3/8″, Paper 20 3/4″ x 28 3/8″


I’m a city kid. I’ve been infused with the geography of Brooklyn’s streets and structures as well as the rowdy green flourishing in its parks and gardens and sidewalk cracks. I grew up making art here in this place of unpredictable creative collaboration. All of that is expressed in my work as a fine art printmaker.


abstract woodcut by printmaker Carol Morrison

“Bright Points, Like Stars” Woodcut, Edition Variable I/IV, Image 18″ x 24″, Paper 22″ x 30″


When I start a plate, I never have a plan. I just take one step after another. It’s like how I walk through this city of chaos and boundaries with no need for a map. I draw with a blade, cutting across the surfaces of wood, metal, plexiglass or mat board. I am expressing ever-changing waves of noisy urban buildings, serene trees and plants, and my own inner knowing.


colorful woodcut by printmaker Carol Morrison

“All Up” Woodcut, Edition Variable I/IV, Image 17 1/4″ x 23 3/5″, Paper 22″ x 30″


Human-made trash—foil, mesh, cardboard and milk cartons—as well as flowers and leaves, find their way into the making. I then collaborate with skilled master printers such as Kathy Caraccio, Marina Ancona and Sheila Goloborotko, to ink the plate using relief or intaglio techniques. There is always the delight of pulling a print off the press, each one a unique surprise.


black and white collagraph print by Carol Morrison

“Superimposed” Collagraph, Edition Variable I/II, Image 20 3/5″ x 28 3/8″, Paper 20 3/5″ x 28 3/8″


I started out with an art degree from New York University. Then I worked as a layout artist before there were computer graphics. The experience of using a blade, separating colors and composing on an X-Y axis are essential skills for my work now.


multicolored woodcut by printmaker Carol Morrison

“The One Delighting” Woodcut, Edition Variable I/II, Image 17 5/16″ x 23 3/4″, Paper 20 5/16″ x 30″


I am in constant intimate conversation with this unfathomable city. I do this not only as an artist, but as a social worker who’s been serving New Yorkers in need for decades. In both roles, I’m passionate about giving people the gifts I’ve been graced with and making the world a better place. Being a social worker is both deeply gratifying and challenging. Art-making is an essential oasis for me. It’s a moment of balance and serenity that I then enjoy sharing with others.


Abstract woodcut by printmaker Carol Morrison

“The Space Between” Woodcut, Edition Variable I/II, Image 18″ x 24″, Paper 22″ x 30″


I’m very grateful to all my collectors and excited about new opportunities to exhibit my work. My prints have been shown at galleries in New York City and received awards in international juried shows.


black and white woodcut by printmaker Carol Morrison

“Be Still! Be Still. Look at Me!” (Homage to H. Hesse), Woodcut, Edition Variable I/II, Image 18″ x 24″, Paper: 22″ x 30″


My home, this place beyond words and all its people, continues to inspire me to reach for new expression, new exploration, new expansion.


Carol Morrison invites you to follow on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.



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