Fill In The Blanks to Set Your Goals

It’s a New Year and new start.

Everyone is talking about either setting goals or why you should avoid setting goals or making resolutions at all costs.

Marcie Cohen painting of snowy river

©Marcie Cohen, Snowy Bank. Pastel, 12 x 16 inches. Used with permission.

I’m not big on resolutions, but I stand firmly in the “goals are good for you” camp. I’ve seen them work for my clients and know they’ve propelled me further than I would have been without them.

So, let’s set some goals!

I’ve adapted the questions from the annual review and The See Plan to help you set goals for the New Year.

Promise not to go crazy with the process. Aim for 3-5 big goals for your year. This list is a starting point.

1. Creativity

What artistic medium or skill will you improve?
What creative project is scary enough that it will help you grow as an artist?
What new art events, galleries, and museums will you visit?
How will you improve your studio habits?
What art seminars/workshops/lectures/classes will you participate in or teach?
What business seminars/workshops/lectures/classes will you participate in?
(Come to Art Biz Breakthrough in November!)

How will you challenge your creativity in the coming year?

2. Demonstrating Commitment

Where will you seek to exhibit or retail your art?
What grants, projects, or residencies will you apply for?
How many blog posts, newsletters, or articles will you write and with what regularity?

How can you increase your commitment level next year?

3. Seeking Clarity

What resources do you need to explore?
What technological skills will you learn or improve?
How will you make time for regular planning?

Where do you need more clarity for next year?

Lucinda Howe painting of colorful riverbank

©Lucinda Howe, Ebbtide. Oil on canvas, 26 x 24 inches. Used with permission.

4. Nurturing Community

Where do you need more support for your art and career?
What organizations will you become involved with?
How can you help someone else out?
In what ways will you be a leader in your art community?

How will you effectively nurture community around your art?

5. Cultivation Connection

How will you improve your networking in person and online?
How many people will you seek to add to your mailing list?
How will you use your mailing list?
How many social media followers will you gain on the various platforms you use?

How can you improve your marketing next year?

6. Building Confidence

What will you do to enhance your professional reputation?
Where will you give a gallery talk or lecture?
What classes or workshops will you teach?
What will be your practice for writing about your art?

What do you need to do to improve your confidence next year?

Theresa Grillo Laird painting of river bayou

©2015 Theresa Grillo Laird, Jakes Bayou. Oil, 14 x 18 inches. Used with permission.

7. Completing

What new marketing material will you develop and use?
How will you follow up with people and opportunities?
How will you track your growth?

What will you finish next year that has been on your plate for too long?

8. Celebrating

How will you acknowledge and reward yourself for your successes?

How will you celebrate in the New Year?

Your Turn

Please share your big goals for 2016 in a comment below. Happy New Year!

SOURCE: Art Biz Blog « Art Biz Blog – Read entire story here.
