ACC June Recap: Summer Of Share

Most of our world’s problems stem from a few people not sharing the majority of the planet’s resources equally across the board. They cause wars, disparity, scarcity, genocides, famine, crime and all the fun things that come with it… World of Shit. Out here on the stolen territories we call North America, we sit comfortably as the world suffers. Some of us immigrants, now living on the land of those who forced us out of our own and forced themselves on others’. One of the first stories we learn as children is the one of Adam and Eve and their share gone wrong. They make us pick sides and hate each other over religion, colors and football games. It’s a world gone mad where man is attempting to own every single aspect that comprises our planet. An elephant cried, a mouse died and a cheerleader shot a baby rhino for a selfie…

The word share is losing its value. We used to share values; now we share media on the Internet. Our values became the Internet. What we share on the Internet is totally fucked for the most part (just take a look at your Newsfeed). “Hey man, I shared his corny new rap video on my wall, I’m a real supporter so please don’t say I’m a hater, k?” When we are not basking in the reflective glory of “our team” winning or deflecting failure when that team does bad, most of us spend a lot of time speculating over other people’s shitty lives and their shortcomings. What we portray online is basically our magnified insecurities cleverly masked by overcompensating with something that might give us some worth. The plate of fancy food, the new sneakers, a pretty sunset, the selfie with the new batch etc, etc… We want people to share these detached moments via smartphone. We want them to associate to our basicness.  “Hey, me too, dude…” “I smoke wax too, man.” “Hey, look, I also have an Olympus Stylus Epic…” If you think I’m talking about this as if I’m an exception to the rule, you are wrong. If you think that you are an exception to the rule, you are also wrong. We are all victims of culture. This is just my testimony…


Share City…


Rideshare Bae


The share whisperer…


Sharelock Holmes…


Life is like a cake: SHARE…


Slick Shaer…


Bought these for Ski Mask Boris… Sharing is caring.


Share chien BROXE


123456789 Fuck pride… ▀ *RESPECT~~~~~~~~ Share.


Share the wall…


Truck share…


Share a slice…


Share the water…


… and the neighbor’s street pool.


I like turtles…


Share the realness…


Some people don’t like sharing so they have gates with mean dogs behind them…


Share a tattoo with your bae on a random whim because BROXE!


Fireworks, better when shared…


Share la nature et la nature va share…






Share transportation because you are not better than anyone…


Networking with Earth Crusher. Selling out for money… Not sharing secrets.


Caught this fool slippin’, counting his cash in the middle of the street…


So did the ticket lady… Bad share Karma…


Share the sidewalk (but only for the weekend)…


This is where she shared it with me…. In one of them boats…


Been posting shoelfies since 2008, back in the forum days…


Sharing my smartphone knowledge with Kurt so he can also join the share world…


Share towers…


Sharing a moment with napping owl >


Humans are weird.


Pourquoi j’ai share? Les yeux…


Share a Fido customer service experience with Bobbi in an alleyway…


Share palace…


Share team SKRONG…


Concerned share…


One too many shares…


Summer of share…

Unfortunately, some people just don’t know how to share.  They never done it and they probably won’t start now. Don’t take it personal, it’s probably just they way they where raised. If you’re the sharing type, avoid these people because the world isn’t going to change any time soon. Attempting to convert these people is futile. Save your energy and resources for the like-minded who will appreciate your generous gestures. One of the biggest mistakes about sharing is expecting things in return. One must share because he genuinely feels like it, not because he hopes to get things in return. That is a false way of sharing that will leave you disappointed. Sharing is an act of compassion. We share because we are human. We share because we are capable of love.

After seven years, all the cells found in your body have been completely replaced by new cells. In essence, this means that every seven years you have a totally new body. The hair, the skin, the cells in our brain and organs have all been replaced. All you are left with are memories. This is why memories are so important to us as humans because it’s the only way we can preserve what we once where. This is also why video/photography is such a big part of our lives, because we get to save these moments and easily share them with others.

I guess this is why I’m obsessed with photography because I just want to share with the rest of the world as much as possible. I can only physically fuck so many girls and spend time with so many homies. I can only give away so much of my limited resources away. This is my attempt of sharing virtually and through print with those who can’t be there physically at the moment when I took the picture.

My name is Stan Troitsky and I’m a Victim of Culture. Most of the photos above can be found on my Instagram. You can also peep my more serious work on my personal site and Flickr. I share my life with you and I want nothing in return. Hope you have a good summer. Respect!

SOURCE: MOOK-LIFE – Read entire story here.
