George R.R. Martin Admits Some ‘Game Of Thrones’ Fan Theories Are Correct

There are so many theories bouncing around the Internet about how George R.R. Martin’s popular Song of Ice and Fire series will conclude, it would seem almost impossible for none of them to be right. Indeed, Martin confirmed in an interview with The Telegraph that some of the fan theories floating around correctly predict how the series will wrap up. “So many readers were reading the books with so much attention that they were throwing up some theories and while some of those theories were amusing bulls — and creative, some of the theories are right,” he explained.

The sometimes unnerving accuracy of fan conjectures may have impressed Martin, but he claims it also drove him away from fan sites. “I want to surprise and delight my readers and take them in directions they didn’t see coming,” he said. “But I can’t change the plans. That’s one of the reasons I used to read the early fan boards back in the 90s but stopped.” Martin also refrained from revealing which theories are on the money, expressing his hope to provide a reading experience filled with surprises and excitement to those readers who don’t peruse fan boards.

The next installment of the series, The Winds of Winter, is still without a firm release date, though Martin plans to cut back on his involvement with HBO’s “Game of Thrones” in order to work on finishing the book. Though solid plot progression won’t be happening any time soon, readers and viewers of HBO’s “Games of Thrones” can take solace in knowing their wild hypothesizing might just lead them to the truth. Time to start digging through message boards and poring through evidence to definitively prove which theories are viable!

Here are 7 wild fan theories to get you started — could any of them turn out to be true?
SOURCE: Arts News on The Huffington Post – Read entire story here.