6 Photos and Video of Street Art by Banksy in Gaza, Palestine

By Banksy in Gaza, Palestine.

In the rubble-strewn streets of Gaza, an unexpected figure emerges – a playful kitten adorned with a sassy red bow. This street art gem is none other than Banksy’s signature touch, adding a splash of amusement to a landscape of devastation.

Banksy’s kitten, with its wild fur and wide-eyed curiosity, feels like a tongue-in-cheek nod to resilience amidst chaos. It’s as if the kitten is saying, “I’ve got nine lives, and not even this rubble can phase me!” Yet, the ruins around tell a deeper, sadder tale of a city bearing the scars of conflict.

In just one image, Banksy manages to capture Gaza’s heartbreaking reality and sprinkle it with a dash of hope and humor. It’s a bittersweet blend of artistry, offering a momentary escape while urging us not to forget.

More by Banksy: 24 artworks by Banksy: Who Is The Visionary of Street Art

Street Art by Banksy in Gaza, Palestine 2

A local man came up and said ‘Please – what does this mean?’ I explained I wanted to highlight the destruction in Gaza by posting photos on my website – but on the internet people only look at pictures of kittens.


Street Art by Banksy in Gaza, Palestine 3

Street Art by Banksy in Gaza, Palestine 4

Gaza is often described as ‘the world’s largest open air prison’ because no-one is allowed to enter or leave. But that seems a bit unfair to prisons – they don’t have their electricity and drinking water cut off randomly almost every day.


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Street Art by Banksy in Gaza, Palestine 6


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