🌸The Vienna State Ballet Premiere The Lady of the Camellias

©Florian Moshammer

On 24 March, the Vienna State Ballet presents John Neumeier’s ballet classic The Lady of the Camellias, the second premiere of the season at the Vienna State Opera.

Based on the 1848 semi-autobiographically novel La dame aux camélias by Alexandre Dumas fils, John Neumeier created in 1978 one of the most moving story ballets and – with its dramatic construction, the clarity and intensity of its characterisation, and the subtle images and magnificent costumes, which Jürgen Rose has re-adapted for the Viennese premiere based on his original designs from 1978, congenially evoke the Parisian flair of the 19th century,

In addition to Stuttgart Ballet and Hamburg Ballet, by whom the work was first seen in Vienna in a guest performance in 2014, only a small number of companies carefully chosen by John Neumeier have been permitted to dance Lady of the Camellias. From 2024 the Vienna State Ballet will join them, and this large-scale production will not only enrich its repertoire with a Neumeier treasure but also one of the great story ballets.

John Neumeier reveals in his choreography Armand Duval’s passionate relationship with Marguerite Gautier retrospectively. The couple meet for the first time in a play-within-a-play, but Marguerite also sees her own life disturbingly reflected in the ancient love story that is presented in ballet form: the tragedy of Manon Lescaut and Chevalier Des Grieux. Neumeier skilfully employs a filmic dramaturgy, overlaying lightly drawn »exterior« scenes of Parisian society with »interiors« that focus on the emotional states of his characters, in which his dances reveal every possible psychological nuance: full of elegance and carefree joy, immersed in passion, erupting into existential drama and affecting the audience deeply with fragility in the face of death.

In Frédéric Chopin, Neumeier found the ideal musical partner to bring both great virtuosity and a melancholy sense of loss to his depiction of the superficiality of Paris’s high society and of human passion. The largo from Chopin’s B minor sonata forms the recurrent leitmotif in a score of piano works (including both concertos, together with other pieces for piano and orchestra) for which two pianists join forces in a Chopin marathon whose demands go far beyond a conventional recital. Markus Lehtinen is the musical director, with Anika Vavić and Igor Zapravdin at the piano.

Venue Wiener Staatsoper
Premiere 24 March 2024, 6.30 pm
Further Dates 26 March, 5, 7, 12, 15, 17, 22, 27 April, 1, 4 May 2024

Music Frédéric Chopin
Choreography & Director John Neumeier
Stage & Costumes Jürgen Rose
Lighting Ralf Merkel
Staging Kevin Haigen, Janusz Mazon, Ivan Urban
Musical Director Markus Lehtinen
Piano Anika Vavić & Igor Zapravdin
Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera
Vienna State Ballet

The cast of dancers will be announced at a later date.

Extras for the Vienna State Ballet premiere


In the introductory matinee to the premiere of The Lady of the Camellias, you will learn interesting background information about John Neumeier’s choreography, its Viennese rehearsal, and the musical score from those involved in the production. Dance excerpts and musical contributions from pianist Anika Vavić round off the morning at the Vienna State Opera. The event will be held in German and English.

Venue Wiener Staatsoper
Date 17 March 2024, 11 am

For further information click HERE.


In cooperation with the Filmcasino, the Vienna State Ballet will be showing the new film John Neumeier – A Life for Dance (2024) as an Austrian premiere on 7 April as part of the DANCE MOVIES film series. In the documentary made for the broadcasters Arte/NDR, director Andreas Morell paints a portrait of a great dancer, a wonderful teacher, a man deeply rooted in art and religion and provides insights into John Neumeier’s current artistic work.

Followed by a discussion with those involved in the production of The Lady of the Camellias.

Venue Filmcasino
Date 7 April 2024, 1 pm

Further information can be found HERE.

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